What would a website be without a disclaimer?
In short: BMW700.net is run by a private person as a hobby, without any commercial interest, so please do not sue me if you feel I am violating any of your (copy)rights.
Important to understand is that this website is in no way affiliated to the BMW Company or any of it’s subsidiaries. Use of this website is subject to the following conditions and restrictions. Access to and use of this website means that the user has agreed to the following terms.
All liability for any damage which might be incurred as a result of access to and use of the sites is emphatically disclaimed by the siteowner. No guarantee is given for the faultless and uninterrupted functioning of the sites. No guarantee or declaration is given, either explicitly or implicitly, as regards the accuracy or completeness of the information published on the sites or to which the sites provide access. The site owner accepts no responsibility whatsoever for the information and/or recommendations published on the website or to which access is provided via the website. Alterations can be made to this information and these recommendations without prior notice being given.
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